Tuesday 16 August 2016

Tamilnadu police recruitment training of Peraaval academy

We are following the service rules of Tamilnadu police government those are following,

The service shall consist of the several classes and categories of officers positioning.

With the end goal of drawing up of the yearly rundown of affirmed possibility for arrangement to the posts in the administration by advancement or by enrollment by exchange the pivotal date on which the hopefuls ought to be qualified might be the main day of June of consistently.

The rule of reservation appointment (General Rule 22) shall apply to the Deputy Superintendent of Police, by direct recruitment

Far off vision without glasses (every eye independently)

Far off vision with glasses (every eye independently)

The measure of nearsightedness or astigmatic deformity and quality of remedy glasses utilized

Close vision (every eye independently)

Whether experiencing squint or any dreary state of the eye lids (trachoma like of either eye)

Every eye, field of vision

Every eye shading vision

Every eye organism appearance

Standard of vision

Having respect to the vision whether is or is not fit for arrangement as Squint will be exclusion.


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